We are dedicated to reduce dog overpopulation by providing spay and neuter services to underserved communities in California, as well as alleviate dogs’ suffering in our shelters, desert, orchards and beyond.

The impact of
spaying and neutering

We are facing a crisis. Thousands of dogs are suffering and dying due to the overwhelming issue of overpopulation. Shelters, rescue organizations, and communities are struggling. From deserts and orchards in Central California, to streets and parks everywhere, countless dogs are abandoned, neglected, and in need of care. They deserve better.

Spay and neuter clinics play a crucial role in controlling the stray population and preventing unplanned litters. By reducing the number of animals left to fend for themselves or end up in overcrowded shelters, we can significantly lower the suffering and the tragic euthanasia of dogs simply due to a lack of homes.

Spay and neuter initiatives go beyond surgery—they involve community outreach and education, raising awareness about responsible pet ownership and the importance of animal welfare.

Additionally, spaying and neutering improves the health and wellness of pets, often leading to longer, healthier lives.

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